Full Name
Shivanjli Sharma
Job Title
Aerospace Research Engineer
Speaker Bio
Shivanjli Sharma has worked as an aerospace research engineer across many disciplines at NASA Ames Research Center for more than fourteen years. She has performed research and helped conduct studies in real time simulation environments for flight deck automation, operations, and procedures as well as air traffic controller focused simulations for terminal arrival operations. In addition, she has been involved in deploying software and hardware to facilities in the National Airspace System to enable efficiencies in integrated arrival, departure, and surface operations. These last few years, she has supported Advanced Air Mobility research and is currently serving as Project Manager for the Air Traffic Management eXploration Project which is focused on enabling emerging aviation markets for passenger and cargo transportation in urban, suburban, rural, and regional environments. She holds a BS and MS in aerospace engineering from the University of California at Davis.
Shivanjli Sharma